Thematic Algebra and Geometry seminar
Usually, the seminar takes place in room P108, at the LML.
Upcoming talks
- 20-03-2025, 14:00 - Marcus Nicolas: Une présentation du groupe de Grothendieck-Witt d’un anneau local de corps résiduel F2
Previous talks
23-01-2025, 14:00 - Ramy Farouk Hussein Taki El-din: Multi-twisted codes as a generalization of cyclic codes
23-01-2025, 14:00 - Pierre Catoire: Algèbres tridendriformes, arbres de Schröder et algèbre de Hopf
22-11-2024, 13:20 - Praveen Manju: Twisted Derivations of Group Algebras with Coding Theory Applications
22-11-2024, 15:30 - Nico Lorenz: Pfister numbers over valued fields
22-11-2024, 14:25 - Ivo Dell’Ambrogio: An introduction to Mackey 2-functors
01-07-2024, 15:00 - Uzi Vishne: Semiassociative Algebras over a Field
01-07-2024, 14:00 - Nico Lorenz: Isotropy Indices of Pfister multiples in Characteristic 2
01-07-2024, 16:10 - Adam Chapman: Symbol length of classes with small effective exponent
03-05-2024, 14:00 - Masood Aryapoor: Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz over quaternions
23-02-2024, 15:15 - Guanglin Ma: Potent elements and their relatives
23-02-2024, 14:00 - Dinesh Khurana: Characterizations of Matrix Rings
08-12-2023, 14:30 - Marco Schlichting: On the presentation of the Grothendieck-Witt group of symmetric bilinear forms over local rings
08-12-2023, 16:45 - Pace Nielsen: Lifting Periodic Elements
16-11-2023, 14:30 - Adam Chapman: Linkage of p-Algebras of non-prime degree
16-11-2023, 15:45 - Fatma Kader Bingöl: On the symbol length in positive characteristic
30-05-2023, 14:30 - Jean-Luc Chabert: Anneaux de polynômes à valeurs entières et anneaux de Prüfer
23-01-2023, 14:45 - Béranger Seguin: Une forme faible de divisibilité dans les anneaux non-commutatifs
23-01-2023, 13:45 - André Leroy: Évaluations et interpolations non commutatives
28-11-2022, 14:00 - Mehrdad Nasernejad: Symbolic strong persistence property of monomial ideals
28-11-2022, 15:10 - Fatma Kader Bingöl: On the orthogonal u-invariant of a quaternion algebra
07-11-2022, 14:00 - César Polcino Miliès: Essential idempotents in group algebras and codes
07-11-2022, 15:00 - Masood Aryapoor: Algebraically closed σ-fields and δ-fields
31-03-2022, 14:00 - Mehrdad Nasernejad: Strong persistence property and coloring of graphs
24-03-2022, 14:00 - Abdelghani El Mazouni: Sections hyperplanes du fibré projectif tangent du plan projectif
24-02-2022, 14:00 - André Leroy: Anneaux, matrices et codes
22-11-2021, 14:00 - Martin Saralegi-Aranguren: Homologie d’intersection: The minority report
14-10-2021, 14:00 - Baptiste Calmès: K-théorie hermitienne des infini-catégories stables
30-09-2021, 14:00 - Yaël Frégier: Introduction à l’apprentissage profond et à l’usage qui en est fait au LML